Hang Loose and what not...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Climber's Log. Day X

No kidding, the guide book for Bishop in SLO actually lists a boulder problem titled: "Colin's problem" -- How could I resist. When I first tried this line a couple of months ago it was very clear that my appetite was much larger than my stomach (Which is often the curse of the amateur climber). However, failure aside, it became a matter of self respect that I send this beast, I mean, someone actually had the foresight to name it after me... was it fate?

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the little ground squirrels were frolicking about with a certain cheery gayness that would put any chap in a good mood. I chalked my hands aplenty and gave thanks to our Lord for blessing such a wonderful day, for this was the day that Colin would conquer Colin's Problem. I mounted the rock, which responded much like reluctant lover (no surprise there). With my shoes on tight and a twinkle in my eye I began what, to an outsider, must have resembled some sort of crude dance. Jab here, slap there, and even a crimpy pinch now and again. The razor sharp holds tore into my flesh and it seemed as if the boulder was trying to say "hello." Hello indeed.
After hours of siege tactics, hand to hand combat, and times at which I faced certain doom, the problem surrendered (Actually it was more like a few seconds and I climbed to the top, but that sounds so anti-climactic). As I reached the top of the boulder I knew at once what it must be like to summit Everest, for I was truly on top of the world. And still I couldn’t help but feel a little sad to say bye to a worthy opponent; an enemy who, through all the trial and tribulation, became more of a friend really. Luckily, the euphoric feeling of ecstasy and relief was enough to bring me back to my senses. It became clear that my quest was over at last. So, here’s to you Colin’s Problem, a friend I shall never forget…

On to the next project!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ass. Drop!

Well, its official! Colin and I have received our long awaited assignments for our next bases. Colin received a "knife to stomach" (said in a hoarse Russian accent) as he was told he is headed to Malmstrom AFB in the beautiful city of Great Falls, Montana. He is pretty sure he will never get married and I keep reminding him that he is going to meet his future husband there. All joking aside, the climbing in Montana is allegedly top notch in spots and I think he is really going to like it. I, on the other hand, am going home to Colorado, well...Cheyenne, Wyoming to be exact. I'm just hoping some decent climber will take this poor newbie under their wing and bring themselves down to my level.

To end this blog, I am posting a motivational picture for my boy Colin...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Rain, shine, tidal wave, whatever...

This weekend, Colin and I attempted to birth into climbing existence two of our friends from class. However, despite our water breaking (literally and figuratively) two new climbers were NOT brought into this cruel world. Cutting to the point...we took a couple buddies up with us to San Luis Obispo to introduce them to climbing and hopefully get them hopelessly hooked (that's what I call alliteration). God had other plans, though. It rained harder on Saturday than I have ever been witness to since arriving in California. That didn't stop us from taking in the scenery (muddy though it may have been); we took a wonderful hike and while it was no climbing, it was good to be out in the fresh air, especially after being pent up in class everyday this week. Don't fret, this will not stop Fairy and Gnome from relentlessly pursuing yet more climbing partners. Much to the chagrin of our friends pictured here, they were given an ultimatum: Come climbing with us again, or face the wrath of rock tattered fingers poking them in the eyes. Until next time, I bid you adieu!