Hang Loose and what not...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Great Sesh...

Our first worthwhile session, since our three week sabbatical, took place tonight. We went to SLO-Op and had a very tiring couple hours. However, true to our Hangloose roots, we did not take any pictures...we were too enamoured with our rekindling love to fiddle with a stupid camera. Due to this small oversight I am posting a photo from this weekend at Pismo Beach. Beautiful nonetheless...

Monday, December 04, 2006

It’s tough to spend a whole day with no food. Stomach cramps and fatigue make for quite an uncomfortable situation and, after a while, your blood sugar drops and you get really cranky until you can get some sustenance. Well, that being said, it has been a solid two weeks absent of exercise for me. I finally went in to see the doctor about my elbow tendonitis and the prescription was “You just need to take some time off and rest it. I’m going to recommend at least 3 weeks with no strenuous working out. And no climbing.” NO CLIMBING!? So I hung my shoes up and dug in for the long haul.

Now Bobby and I are squirming in our chairs with the need for some rock bite. I know two weeks is usually not that big of a deal. But then again, “There’s a climbing wall in my room.” I mean, come on, I wake up in the morning and practically hit my head on a climbing hold—but don’t even think about climbing!